Rick Webb currently serves as the CEO of Nimbus Advertising Solutions Inc. He is a marketing, operations and sales consultant to venture-backed startups such as TimehopTumblrSoundcloud and Percolate. He also works with services-driven agencies and creative firms - PR shops, dev shops, ad agencies, events companies. 

In 2001, Webb co-founded The Barbarian Group, an award-winning digital ad agency. He served as its COO for the first ten years of the company's existence. Sold to Samsung in 2009, Webb left in 2011 to pursue angel investing in, and writing on, technology and advertising.

He is an angel investor in Foursquare, Mashape/Kong, Haus, GoTenna, Nestio/Funnel LeasingMeow Wolf, Timehop and other startups. 

Webb is author of Agency: Starting a Creative Firm in the Age of Digital Marketing, released by Palgrave Macmillan in 2015, and an avid writer on technology, advertising, economics, and government. He has written a men's guide to wedding planning, entitled Man Nup: A Groom's Guide to Heroic Wedding Planning, the sci-fi economic treatise The Economics of Star Trek, and has published a photo book entitled Amtrak Hipstamatic Northeast Corridor. He recently released his first album in ten years, The Public’s Business. Rick graduated from Boston University with a degree in International Economics in 1992. He was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska.

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